“Greed, Greed, Music, and Greed”
Scene I
Orvill enters
Mr. Bryan
What is it Orvill? Can’t you see I’m doing something?
(With his feet up on his desk)
Well it’s just that well um…. I got my paycheck yesterday… and well it didn’t have as much money as it used to.
Mr. Bryan
Well how is that my problem? Is it my fault my stupid assistant hired you even though I told him specifically not to, and then died leaving me to deal with you? (Stands up and puts out his cigar)
(Stairs deeply into the smoke of he cigar)
Sir my wife and kids are sick and I don’t have much money to pay off the bills and everything.
Mr. Bryan
Is that my problem?
No sir, but please help out a little, have a heart!
Mr. Bryan
Are you insinuating that I’m heartless? Orvill you dare insult me when I have your future in my hands? You are FIRED!
(Falls to his knees)
Please sir this job is all I have.
Scene II
Mrs. Bryan
(In the passenger seat of Mr. Bryan’s car with him driving)
Mr. Bryan
Easy Terri I’m an excellent driver that’s why we didn’t buy life insurance
Mrs. Bryan
“What?! Why on earth would you do that?”
Mr. Bryan
Why would I buy something like that for when I know I won’t need it ever? It’s just a waste of money
Mrs. Bryan
You greedy snake
(Mr. Bryan turns on the radio and calmly drives then sees a street cleaner and has a flash back.)
Mrs. Bryan
(A car slams into them)
(Mr. Bryan tries to stand up then falls then sees his wife and passes out as the ambulances come)
Greed, greed, music and greed
Scene III
(Mr. Bryan wakes up in a hospital bed and looks around to see a doctor)
Mr. Bryan
What’s going on doctor? Where’s my wife?
(Jumps out of the bed and grabs the doctor by the collar)
Tell me what’s going on
(Avoids eye contact with Mr. Bryan)
Well when the car hit her side of the car the door bent and crushed her kidneys.
Mr. Bryan
Then why are you just standing here? Do something fix her!
There’s just one problem, you don’t have insurance so you can’t pay for the operation that’s necessary.
Greed, greed, music and greed
Mr. Bryan
(Shakes the doctor by the collar)
WHAT? Well how much would it cost to pay for it?
About 40 thousand pounds.
Mr. Bryan
What! I don’t have that kind of money.
Well I’m sorry sir you’ll just have to come up with the money
Scene IV
(Orvill enters)
How much money did you make dearest?
(Setting his guitar down and hanging up his coat)
Not enough
You got a letter today from Mr. Bryan
(She hands him a letter)
Oh? Maybe he wants me to work for him again
(Orvill’s facial expression grows darker as he reads the letter.)
Oh no that’s terrible
(Olivia, Liesel, and Olaf enter)
Olivia and Liesel
What’s going on?
Mr. Bryan’s wife is in the hospital, and she might not make it
Make what? I hope its pie. I like pie.
No Olaf, I mean she might not survive.
(Grabs his coat and heads out the door)
I’m going to go down to the hospital
Why should you? After all that man has done to us. He doesn’t deserve your pity.
Scene V
(The Doctor walks in to see Mr. Bryan sleeping)
Mr. Bryan? We have news
Mr. Bryan
What’s going on?
An anonymous donor donated a kidney to your wife this morning and even paid for the operation to transplant it.
Mr. Bryan
(Jumping in the air and spinning around)
Really? This is great! A miracle Ha ha!
Scene VI
(The Doctor enters)
The operation was a success
Mr. Bryan
(Jumping and dancing)
Ha ha yes! But doctor you have to tell me who helped her
Some man named Orvill
Mr. Bryan
Orvill? But I was so cruel to him. I have to go thank him.
Well that will be difficult
Mr. Bryan
Well the operation for him went wrong and he got infected
Mr. Bryan
What? That can’t be, where is he? I must see him!
No you can’t his family is visiting him during his last few hours
Mr. Bryan
Last few hours?
Yes, he will be dead before nightfall
Mr. Bryan
(Grabs the doctor by the collar)
No, this can’t be!
Scene VII
(Mr. Bryan drives to Orvill’ s house and knocks on the door)
Mr. Bryan
Hello? Olga? It’s me Mr. Bryan.
(Opens the door screaming)
You it’s all your fault you’re the reason he’s dead
Mr. Bryan
I’m really sorry about him and I’ve come to try to make up for it
No! You’ll never make up for it you’ve ruined 4 lives and you’ve lost one
(She screams and pulls out a kitchen knife)
You will pay for it!
Mr. Bryan
Olga wait
(Mr. Bryan pulls out a large wad of cash)
Here it’s yours I hope it’s enough to get your family through this
(Olga stabs Mr. Bryan, he falls to the ground bleeding then Olga collapses next to him. Olaf, Olivia, and Liesel enter)
Do we still get to keep the cash?
(Quickly slapped by his sisters)
Here is a link to my zine