1. I play guitar
2. I wear a tie all the time
3. I play bass guitar
4. I'm in a band called Sonic Silence a.k.a. Lola and the Guys in Ties
5. I'm not much of a dancer
6. I write and record some of my own songs
7. I play an Epiphone Les' Paul
8. I also have an Ibanez acoustic guitar
9. I like pudding
10. My favorite band is the Beatles
11. I like British invasion,and punk music
12. I play baseball, and basketball
13. I'm a Quasi vegetarian
14. Last summer I got a henna tattoo of a tie
15. I have a sister
16. I've tripped under water three times
17. I can play almost every Beatles song on guitar
18. I'm a Christian
19. Once for charity I bought a goat and two chickens for a family
20. My Favorite soda is Cactus Cooler
21. My Favorite movie is Yellow Submarine
22. I have a Dog named scout
23. I always have my ipod with me
24. My second favorite band is relient k
25. I'm German and Dutch British
26. I trip a lot
27. For a week two ducks lived in my pool
28. My favorite color is orange/black/purple
29. I like lava lamps
30. My favorite baseball team is the White Sox
wasn't number 19 a school project