Monday, November 9, 2009
Hero project reflection
I think a hero becomes a hero when they do something positive in your eyes. In this project we had to choose some one that we thought was heroic, interview, and then write a story of why they were heroic using the information from the interview. We had to do three or more drafts; this was hard for me because on one draft I didn’t write two pages so I had to do another one. In this project I learned a lot about perspective like how someone sees something could be totally different in some one else’s eyes. A challenge I encountered was that I didn’t get a lot of information from my interview so it was harder to write a two-page paper. If I did this project again I would probable try to be more prepared for the interview and remember how long the paper was supposed to be. A habit of mind I used in this project was evidence because we had to show why the person we chose was a hero using sensory detail.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
origin of zero
What strikes me about this article is that there was so much trouble in making a number that means nothing, and makes me wonder what the process was when they came up with all the numbers. We decide who discovers what when it’s the first one who recorded proof of them discovering it. Mesopotamians discovered zero because they were the first to create and record them discovering it. I don’t think that the person who came up with the idea of zero was the same person discovered it because it could have been thought up a while ago but some one wrote it down and put it to use. I think map makers and sailors probable spread word of zero by traveling to so many places.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
character sketch

Code Blue
His eyelids snapped open he looked around the small dark room where he and the other interns stay. He hears the sharp sound of and alarm saying code blue, which in medical terms meant a life or death situation. He rushes down to the main room as fast as an African swallow, and sees some of his colleagues. “I heard there was a code blue,” he said out of breath.
“Oh I’m sorry there’s no code blue,” said one of the doctors.
“Are you sure, maybe we should check on some of the important patients just in case?”
“Ok, we might as well since we’re up”
They walked down the long hall their steps echoing every time they took a step. They checked most of the rooms then came to a room of a 3-week-old infant that was sick. They quietly walked into the room and the mood intensified as they realized that the infant wasn’t breathing. They had to act fast. Heart racing he rushed to the side of the infant’s bed and tried to resuscitate it. Eventually he resuscitated the baby and the baby woke up again. This was one moment, which helped him to decide to be a pediatrician.
He was just an intern and he saved an infants life. He went to medical school at the University of Arizona and out of 1000 applicants he was one of the 32 to get in, and is currently a doctor. He says his reason for helping people is that “Everybody’s here only a certain length of time on this earth, usually less than 100 years, and you should do something that helps other people in your time” He likes to get to know his patients both professionally and socially, and enjoys working with kids more than working with adults.
If you ask him if he thinks he is a hero he will say no because he says he’s just doing his job his description of a hero is an old black woman with 6 kids who works 3 jobs just to make sure her kids are happy. His personal here is Pat Tillman who was a football who could have been one of the best, but after 9/11 he gave up his big paying job and his fame and joined the military to fight for his country. But I think Dr. George Darwin is a hero to me and to all the lives he’s saved and people he’s helped.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Literary Devices blog

Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked to where he was sitting. She was a snail while nervously walking to his chair. She was shaking like an earthquake when she got to him. Her mind flashed back to the time he had smiled at her and asked, “hey can I borrow a pencil”. “Hey Angela what’s up?” he said carelessly
“Um I uhhh” She said biting her lip as she snapped back from her flashback
“Is something wrong?”
“I uhhhh…. Never mind” She said as she walked away shamefully
“That chick is as crazy as a cuckoo bird cashing a cats check,” he said to his friends
Angela walked slowly back to her chair and plopped down in it as her friends gave her comforting stairs of affection.
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